DAS GROSSE GRILLEN | Garten von Ehren
Sa., 04. Mai
Come and visit me at the big barbecue festival of «Garten von Ehren» in Hamburg.

Zeit & Ort
04. Mai 2024, 09:00 MESZ – 05. Mai 2024, 16:00 MESZ
Hamburg, Maldfeldstraße 2, 21077 Hamburg-Harburg, Deutschland
Über die Veranstaltung
«Das Große Grillen» is the annual barbecue festival in Ehren's garden with the best that the national and international barbecue scene has to offer. Together with the barbecue professionals of the Grillerei, representatives of the most famous barbecue brands and numerous top stars of the BBQ scene, the enthusiastic visitors celebrate a whole weekend under the sign of good taste. They experience tastings & presentations on the outdoor area and in the beautiful spring-like ambience of the «Garten von Ehren» with over 25 suppliers.
Saturday, 9 – 18 | Sunday, 10 – 16 | no ticket needed